Tag Archives: new york city

Trucking Answers | Illegals to be housed on cruise ships | Joy Reid is an idiot | On Patrol Live

In a crime free episode I discuss a little about what is happening in society.  It isn’t just trucking.  Joy Reid is an idiot and thinks only certain people commit crimes.  That is not the case.  The mayor of NYC is going to house illegals on cruise ships that will dock there.  Isn’t that nice?  Don’t you wish you could live on a cruise ship?  Around this time in 1972 a scab truck was shot at and it blew up near Springfield, MO.  Remember that and the scab company?  Watch On Patrol Live to get the real view of what it is to be a police officer.


Trucking Answers | Should the government provide truck parking? | #114

In a Red Sovine classic I discuss if in fact truck parking should be provided by the government.  This stems from the city of New York towing and ticketing trucks for parking overnight in residential areas. TANY says that there is not enough parking and the government needs to step up and do something.  I say that they are doing something, they are removing trucks from residential areas where they are already not allowed to park!

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