Why UPS trucks don’t have air conditioning | #199

A recent protest by UPS drivers in Texas prompted me to come on and explain why there is no air conditioning in the delivery trucks. It has always amazes me that the Teamster’s union allows this and then puts up what amounts to an informational picket about it. Here is a hint: The reason they don’t have air is the same reason some truck drivers work for free.


We all get gold stars | #198

Netradyne has some new technology to add to their intrusive driver facing cameras that will awards you stars for things like stopping at a stop sign and maintaining your lane. How disrespectful is that? Very. It is touted as a way to reward good behavior but it is merely another misguided attempt by uniformed non-drivers to change behaviors. Don’t fall for what the ignorant know nothing’s are doing. Don’t download anything like this to any device you own. Simply refuse.

Tim Walz and an old DUI | #197

Should an old DUI stop your life forever? As much as I hate them, no. Tim Walz was arrested for DUI although he ultimately plead guilty to a lesser charge of reckless driving. The Republicans are all over this and blasting it everywhere. Don’t you think the Kamala Harris team already looked into it? Plus, it was in 1995. Should that haunt you forever? No, we should want people to improve. He says he stopped drinking after that and has had a clean record. That is a good thing. Bring up current issues and we can talk but this should be left where it is which is in the past.

On Patrol Live truck parking | #196

A recent episode of On Patrol Live had a department stopping a truck driver who had parked directly in front of a sign that said no parking any time. Why do we do this? Drivers complain about the lack of truck parking but are willing to park illegally. Make your problem the company’s problem..The owner of the truck needs to locate safe and legal truck parking for employees. Do not break the law or nothing gets fixed.

Trump Blackrock shooter updates | #195

We have some updates on the shooter and Blackrock. Remember, a conspiracy is no longer a theory when it is backed up by facts. This is what the main stream media won’t tell you. They don’t want Donald Trump and will do absolutely anything to see him not win.

An illegal truck driver has an accident | #194

An illegal who was hired as a truck driver had an accident that resulted in the death of a citizen. Tragic and it didn’t have to happen. He was hired by a company that has done this before. I have a solution for the illegal problem that Kamala Harris is doing nothing to fix.

Trump visits the NABJ | #193

Trump visits the National Association of Black Journalists. What could possibly go wrong? Well, I considering any organization that separated people by something they have no control over to be racist and or discriminatory. While membership does not seem to be restricted, the name says all you need to know.

Covenant is granted an exemption | #191

Covenant Transportation asked for and received an exemption so they can allow a person with a commercial license permit to drive without a CDL licensed driver in the passenger seat. The licensed driver needs to be in the truck but not the seat. This in no way improves safety and I am against it.

Werner gets a win in court | #190

Werner Enterprises has been in a court battle since 2011. A group of trainee driver allege Werner did not pay them for breaks and sleeper time, only $350 a week salary. The sleeper was thrown out but the break stuck and initially Werner lost and was ordered to pay $800000. Well, since math is hard the figures had to be refigured and were turned in late. Werner objected and has won three appeals based on that. Look at how much effort a trucking company will go through to not pay you. Think about it.   I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Seek a licensed attorney of your choice for legal advice. This podcast is opinion.