Tag Archives: trucking answers

Werner gets a win in court | #190

Werner Enterprises has been in a court battle since 2011. A group of trainee driver allege Werner did not pay them for breaks and sleeper time, only $350 a week salary. The sleeper was thrown out but the break stuck and initially Werner lost and was ordered to pay $800000. Well, since math is hard the figures had to be refigured and were turned in late. Werner objected and has won three appeals based on that. Look at how much effort a trucking company will go through to not pay you. Think about it.   I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. Seek a licensed attorney of your choice for legal advice. This podcast is opinion.

Lytx and Samsara sponsor NTDAW | #189

In the height of irony Lytx and Samsara are listed on the ATA website as sponsors of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2024. Hilarious. The American Trucking Association allows them to be a sponsor when, in my opinion, hardly any companies have done more to harm the trucking industry than these two. How many truck driver careers have been cut short by their wrong opinion? It is laughable for them to have anything to do with drivers.

American Trucking Association is for the little guy | #186

The ATA has come out in support of drivers being independent contractors even though many of them are misclassified. The American Trucking Association just wants to see people succeed in their dream of truck ownership. My heart is warmed by this

Western Express on a safety panel? #185

Who chose Western Express to be on a safety panel? Well, here goes nothing. Would you want the maximum speed of your truck to change based on where you are? For instance, a yard is 15 mph. What if the truck turned its speed down to that there?

But Mark, you’re a Libertarian! The TMC conundrum. | #184

People complained about my position on TMC and the hair issue as I call myself a Libertarian. Those two things are not incompatible and I’ll show you why. Stop going to the government to solve your problems!

Do trucking companies deserve a two week notice? | #183

Should you give a two week notice before quitting your trucking company? Well, does the company value you and your time? Just because something is tradition doesn’t mean we should still do it. Also, as a bonus I tell you how to (hopefully) get your final paycheck!

Does the Govt force you to drive after 10 hrs? | #180

I saw a video of someone complaining about the HOS and how the government makes you drive after 10 hrs off. Not true at all. You drive when you are ready, not before. Grow a backbone and tell your company you need sleep.

Found! Six figure local job! | #175

Drivers wrote and complained that there really aren’t any six figure jobs so I looked and found one in just a few minutes. How many are there if I really looked harder? Local driving jobs are around if you really want one. Go local and go home.

Truck parking accident leads to court | #172

An accident where a driver is killed is headed to court and I agree.  Please do not park in an unsafe manner no matter what the circumstances.  If you are not parking in a legal spot leave your parking lights on.  That could have saved this person.  Safety first no matter the company rule.
