Tag Archives: President Trump

Biden bows out | #188

President Biden has decided not to run for reelection. Well, his handlers decided it. What do you think about this: The attempt on President Trump was actually a message to President Biden to get out? Maybe? It was obviously set up. Those idiot Secret Service people can’t be that terrible. Kamala Harris will likely be the new nominee for the Democrat party.

Something you never thought about the shooter | #187

I want you to think about a few things in a different way. The shooter in the attempted assassination knew which roof to get on. How? Who told him? Plus, he had no social media but communication encrypted? Think about these things as we watch President Trump recover.

Was the assassination attempt against Trump planned? | #181

Recently an assassination attempt against President Trump was carried out unsuccessfully. Was it some random goofball or was it set up either by the government or some group? President Biden will never tell us. Also, many liberals came out to comment that Trump deserves it for his policies. No he doesn’t! Don’t like him? Work to ensure he is not elected. We are not some third world country here. Or are we?

Is Biden right? Do 3rd parties steal votes from him? | #169

In a twist away from trucking I want to talk about third parties stealing votes from major party candidates.  Is this true?  Many of you may not know that I ran for office as a Libertarian candidate here in Indiana many years ago.  Did I steal votes?  No.  People chose to vote for me.  Same as in the presidential elections.  People choose who they want to vote for.  You need to earn every vote.  Anyone can win if there are no other candidates.  Biden actually asked Hilary Clinton of all people for advice!  They are scared and should be that they may lose.  Be the candidate people actually want to vote for not just the only one on the ballot.


Military confidence is at an amazing low. I wonder why? | #167

It turns out the confidence in the military is at a low and no one can figure out why that might be.  Do you have any ideas?  It hasn’t been this low since 1997.  Who was President then?  The highest was in 2018.  I wonder who the President was at that time.  We talk about it.
