Tag Archives: detention pay

If you volunteer don’t complain | #179

I recently read an article about an Uber driver who was complaining about the amount he received for taking someone to the airport. OK, so what? Just like in trucking, he continues to take people so they continue to pay him the low amount. If you sit around without getting paid, don’t complain. Action is the only way. Let your fingers do the walking and find a better place. The reason trucking companies pay so little is because people accept the pay. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you accept.

Sunday Rant Follow Up | Detention Time Granular Study | #165

In another follow up to my YouTube video, I discuss detention time including what it is and what it isn’t.  Who should be responsible for detention time and who pays?  Why don’t drivers get more pay for this waiting time?  We will find out.

