Tag Archives: truck driver pay

If you volunteer don’t complain | #179

I recently read an article about an Uber driver who was complaining about the amount he received for taking someone to the airport. OK, so what? Just like in trucking, he continues to take people so they continue to pay him the low amount. If you sit around without getting paid, don’t complain. Action is the only way. Let your fingers do the walking and find a better place. The reason trucking companies pay so little is because people accept the pay. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you accept.

My trucking origin story | How I got started in trucking | #170

Let’s go in the way back machine and see how I got my start in trucking.  I started just after deregulation and I will tell you it was a great move for me because I was working at Arby’s at the time and had really no future that I could see there.  I wanted to get on the open road and see the sights!  I did and now I go home everyday in a local job and love it.  Put on your parachute pants and let’s go!



Freightwaves vs ATA and the fake trucker shortage | #168

Freightwaves recently came out with an excellent article about the trucker shortage and the fact that there isn’t one.  The whole thing is made up and I agree.  Of course, the American Trucking Association had to pipe in with their take on the shortage.  The ATA is not right on this and I explain why using this and the fake teacher shortage that has been written about lately.  As long as companies can keep trucks moving and have a 100% turnover there is no shortage.


Sunday Rant Follow Up | Detention Time Granular Study | #165

In another follow up to my YouTube video, I discuss detention time including what it is and what it isn’t.  Who should be responsible for detention time and who pays?  Why don’t drivers get more pay for this waiting time?  We will find out.



Yellow closure affects mental health of most drivers? HUH? | #164

In a small survey, over 70% of drivers said the closure of Yellow had a negative effect on their mental health.  We need to get tougher as a society for sure.  I didn’t give it a second thought.  I go through how to prepare for the closure of your own company and not to be scared.  Be prepared.


The Joe Madison Show and the fall of society | #163

Joe Madison does a show on XM and has a podcast.  He has been a broadcaster for many years and I seldom agree with even one word of what he has to say.  Today is no different.  He had people calling in telling how much taxpayer money they were wrongly getting to pay their student loans off.  Wonderful.  This is the end of society when people can vote themselves the largess of others.



If brokers make so much money why don’t people just become a broker? | #161

I hear more griping about how much money brokers make.  If there is so much money to be made, why not just become a broker?  I hear they do nothing and make money.  That sounds like a great way to make money!  So, why don’t more owner operators and small trucking company owners do it?



More about my YouTube Sunday Rant | #159

On my YouTube Sunday rant I talked about a trailer I had to pick up.  I do mostly drop and hook and these are some of the problems you get when doing that.  How drivers can leave a problem like this I have no idea.  Also, I go into another problem the trailer had that I did not talk about.



New hybrid pay system taking over trucking | #158

I am finding a new hybrid pay system in trucking.  This is where we as the driver get a guarantee for up to a certain number of miles and then get mileage past that amount.  What do you think?  I like hourly but this solves many of the same problems.  Drivers have an incentive to work more to get more pay and companies have an incentive to keep you moving.  Not bad and a big improvement over what trucking has been doing for over 30 years.



Trucking is the best anti-poverty program in the country | #156

A call to the Dave Ramsey show prompted this podcast.  With no high school diploma, felonies and never having driven a stick shift car you can become a truck driver and get your family out of poverty.  It doesn’t matter what color you are, if you are a man or a woman, fat or thin, any religion, tattoos or most other things that could impact you getting a job somewhere else.  Even most felonies don’t disqualify you.  If you need money trucking could be the job for you.  You may not want to do it for your entire life but it could save your house from being taken and get you to a better place financially.

