Tag Archives: Swift Transportation

Want to become a truck driver? It isn’t for everyone. Here is the truth. | #139

If you are thinking about becoming a truck driver I am here to help.  Trucking companies tell you all kinds of lies to get you in.  Trucking is real work requiring long and unpredictable hours and you may be away from your family for weeks at a time.  Are you ready for this?  I will tell you the worst-case-senario so you can be ready for what is ahead.



Trucking Answers | Trucking News | Automotive | A Reason we are not on Mars | #81

Let’s get to it!  Some trucking news about speed limiters is here.  Comment while you can.  I discuss the recent news about abortion but not in the way you might think.  We need to think about the Constitution in a different way.  Also, I talk about the Christian flag controversy in Boston and why Freedom matters.  The government cannot have a point of view on things.  The ministry of disinformation is also talked about and why that should scare everyone!
Swift Transportation settles another lawsuit. I go over why I have not been doing as many podcasts or videos on YouTube as well.  The new hurricane engine from Jeep is discussed for the Wagoneer.  A drone that shoots almonds (FOR NOW) is here.  A reason we are not on Mars.



Trucking Answers | Trucking News | Entertainment | Cars | Information | #2

In today’s Trucking Answers podcast I discuss the latest trucking news, the reason why we aren’t on Mars yet and many other things.  I recall a great experience I had at a Jaguar driving event and discuss the reason that people that have a Tesla don’t really like to drive.  There are spilled Juice Boxes and Swift Transportation buys AAA Cooper!  What next?  Let me know what you what more of and what you want less of.



On YouTube at YouTube.com/TruckingAnswers