Tag Archives: american trucking association

Lytx and Samsara sponsor NTDAW | #189

In the height of irony Lytx and Samsara are listed on the ATA website as sponsors of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2024. Hilarious. The American Trucking Association allows them to be a sponsor when, in my opinion, hardly any companies have done more to harm the trucking industry than these two. How many truck driver careers have been cut short by their wrong opinion? It is laughable for them to have anything to do with drivers.

American Trucking Association is for the little guy | #186

The ATA has come out in support of drivers being independent contractors even though many of them are misclassified. The American Trucking Association just wants to see people succeed in their dream of truck ownership. My heart is warmed by this

Freightwaves vs ATA and the fake trucker shortage | #168

Freightwaves recently came out with an excellent article about the trucker shortage and the fact that there isn’t one.  The whole thing is made up and I agree.  Of course, the American Trucking Association had to pipe in with their take on the shortage.  The ATA is not right on this and I explain why using this and the fake teacher shortage that has been written about lately.  As long as companies can keep trucks moving and have a 100% turnover there is no shortage.


Trucking is the best anti-poverty program in the country | #156

A call to the Dave Ramsey show prompted this podcast.  With no high school diploma, felonies and never having driven a stick shift car you can become a truck driver and get your family out of poverty.  It doesn’t matter what color you are, if you are a man or a woman, fat or thin, any religion, tattoos or most other things that could impact you getting a job somewhere else.  Even most felonies don’t disqualify you.  If you need money trucking could be the job for you.  You may not want to do it for your entire life but it could save your house from being taken and get you to a better place financially.



Autonomous trucks will get exempted from weigh stations and roadside inspections | #150

In what will be no surprise to anyone, Kodiak Industries has gotten exempted from roadside inspections and weigh stations in a pilot program.  So, it can bypass and you can’t.  All they have to do is certify that the truck is inspected and for the next 24 hours they are exempt.  Isn’t that nice?  Why can’t we do that?  I could inspect my truck and certify it safe.  We can’t because they don’t want you as a driver so this will allow Kodiak to be even more efficient and get you out of the truck sooner.  No more expensive parking for the government to build, either.  Win win right?  I say win win lose.



Want to become a truck driver? It isn’t for everyone. Here is the truth. | #139

If you are thinking about becoming a truck driver I am here to help.  Trucking companies tell you all kinds of lies to get you in.  Trucking is real work requiring long and unpredictable hours and you may be away from your family for weeks at a time.  Are you ready for this?  I will tell you the worst-case-senario so you can be ready for what is ahead.



Are owner-operators going bankrupt? | #136

I review a recent article in which it is explained that some drivers that bought trucks during the pandemic are now turning those trucks back in to the bank and going broke.  Is this the case?  If it is, how can there be a driver shortage?  You can’t wait a week for a load and have a driver shortage at the same time.



UFI closure | Iowa pays companies to train you | Don’t pay cash for your car | A Reason we are not on Mars | #132

The governor of Iowa (Republican) is going to pay companies to train you.  So why do these companies ALSO charge you?  Because they can and they stink.  Should you pay cash for your next car to save money?  NO.  Some trucking safety suggestions that are not great.  A reason we are not on Mars.


Trucking Answers | Trucking News | Automotive | A Reason we are not on Mars | #101

In an I Want My MTV spectacular I discuss marriage equality!  Brilliant.  The American Trucking Association has a Women in Motion thing going.  Why is that not a good idea?  Discrimination.  Is old school trucking better?  Yes and no for sure.  The Driveri driver cam is here from Netradyne and it is going to give you a gold star.  SERIOUSLY.  You will coached BY THE CAMERA.  No wonder drivers are quitting trucking.  VinFast is bringing Vietnamese cars to the US.  Not really bring them as much as making them here in the US.  A Reason we are not on Mars.



Trucking Answers | Trucking News | Automotive | A Reason we are not on Mars | #23

In a Tony Award worthy episode I discuss why Gracie is not on the show.  I also go over your right to travel, it is not a privilege. The government doesn’t grant you rights, you already have them.  There was another trucking survey and I talk about some of the results.  The Trucking Answers Mark of Excellence is brought up as a way to distinguish the best trucking companies from the rest.  Would you go in a scale and ask them to inspect you so you could get an inspection bonus?  I think that is a silly idea.  Arkansas will begin using the Chevy Tahoe to catch left lane violators.  Ford pulls out of India which isn’t a bad thing, especially for India.  This means no more EcoSport in the US.  Good.  We finally travel to Houston to find out about a couple of gentlemen who just needed to take a selfie and ended up not going to Mars.

