Tag Archives: Trucking

Biden bows out | #188

President Biden has decided not to run for reelection. Well, his handlers decided it. What do you think about this: The attempt on President Trump was actually a message to President Biden to get out? Maybe? It was obviously set up. Those idiot Secret Service people can’t be that terrible. Kamala Harris will likely be the new nominee for the Democrat party.

Does the Govt force you to drive after 10 hrs? | #180

I saw a video of someone complaining about the HOS and how the government makes you drive after 10 hrs off. Not true at all. You drive when you are ready, not before. Grow a backbone and tell your company you need sleep.

If you volunteer don’t complain | #179

I recently read an article about an Uber driver who was complaining about the amount he received for taking someone to the airport. OK, so what? Just like in trucking, he continues to take people so they continue to pay him the low amount. If you sit around without getting paid, don’t complain. Action is the only way. Let your fingers do the walking and find a better place. The reason trucking companies pay so little is because people accept the pay. You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you accept.

New level 8 electronic inspection | #178

Are you ready for a level 8 electronic inspection? This is being tested in two states and will likely expand to the whole country. I go though it and give my thought and of course go off on a tangent about Lutz driver facing cameras.

Trucking Answers | Trucking News | Automotive | A Reason we are not on Mars | #101

In an I Want My MTV spectacular I discuss marriage equality!  Brilliant.  The American Trucking Association has a Women in Motion thing going.  Why is that not a good idea?  Discrimination.  Is old school trucking better?  Yes and no for sure.  The Driveri driver cam is here from Netradyne and it is going to give you a gold star.  SERIOUSLY.  You will coached BY THE CAMERA.  No wonder drivers are quitting trucking.  VinFast is bringing Vietnamese cars to the US.  Not really bring them as much as making them here in the US.  A Reason we are not on Mars.

